Permanent representative of Azerbaijan to UN notes important role of Azerbaijan in victory over fascism

  07 May 2015    Read: 2066
Permanent representative of Azerbaijan to UN notes important role of Azerbaijan in victory over fascism
The permanent representative of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the United Nations Yashar Aliyev made in the UN a statement in connection with the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II. Speaking about the most tragic war in the history of mankind which claimed millions of lives, the diplomat noted that the meeting of the UN devoted to 70-year anniversary of the end of war gives the chance to immortalize those who battled for restoration of peace, freedom and human dignity, and to honor memory of millions of victims of World War II from all continents.

He said that World War II concerned each Azerbaijani family, and even considering that military operations took place outside the territory of Azerbaijan, the Azerbaijani people passed through the most severe tests and made the powerful contribution to achievement of the victory. “Our republic mobilized more than 600 thousand sons and daughters for war against fascism, and half of them gave their lives for the sake of victory”, the diplomat noted. “Many Azerbaijanis also battled in the Resistance Movement in France, Italy, Poland, the Netherlands and Yugoslavia. The victory was reached not only in the battlefield, but also in the rear areas. For a short time Azerbaijan arranged production of ammunition and arms, and created conditions for functioning of the objects of the industry relocated from the battlefields”, Yashar Aliyev stressed.

“The heroism of the representatives of the Azerbaijani people working day and night in oil industry was a true sample. During World War II the Azerbaijani capital city Baku was one of the main producers and suppliers of oil where were extracted 80 percent of all the oil extracted in the entire USSR.

90 percent of oil products and 96 percent of all fuels and lubricants were produced in Baku. Four of each five Soviet planes, tanks and trucks used during all World War II worked at the fuel made at the oil refineries of Baku and with the oil extracted in Baku.

Speaking about the important role of Azerbaijan in achievement of the victory over fascism, Yashar Aliyev cited article of the Marshal of the Soviet Union Fedor Tolbukhin of April 28, 1945 where it is noted that "Red Army in a debt to the Azerbaijani people and brave Baku oil industry workers for many victories, for timely delivery of qualitative fuel. Fighters of our front near Stalingrad, on Don and in Donbass, on the coast of Dnieper and Dniester, in Belgrade, near Budapest and Vienna with gratitude remember the Azerbaijani oil industry workers and welcome brave oilmen of Baku".

“The lessons of World War II are important for preservation of the order in the modern world and the future of the international relations. The desire to keep and protect mankind from disasters of war inspired the countries of the world to create the mechanism for maintenance of international peace and security - the United Nations”, Yashar Aliyev noted. "Therefore this meeting marking 70th anniversary of the end of war, has to become one more opportunity for confirmation of commitment to the principles and the purposes of the UN Charter”. The diplomat, finally, reminded that in the resolution 70-year anniversary of World War II" the UN General Assembly urges member states of the UN to combine their efforts for solution of problems and counteraction to the threats for international peace and safety where the UN has to play the main role.

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