It`s sometimes hard to keep bobby pins neatly together, right? Try this idea of storing them in a Tic Tac container. It`s handy especially when traveling!
#2 Slippery Bobby Pins

Do you ever have trouble keeping bobby pin securely tucked in your hair? Spray them with hairspray and your problem is solved.
#3 Scarf Storage

Use shower curtain clips to hang scarves in your closet. Now you`ll see them all easily.
#4 Wire Basket Storage

Save space in drawls by using wire baskets on the inside of doors. Store wardrobe items like purses or any other "easy to access" accessories!
#5 Costume Rings & Jewerly

Avoid green fingers, by painting the inside of your costume rings with clear nail polish. Be careful not to get polish on precious stones.
#6 Bootcut Jeans

Ever wondered how to neatly tuck jeans into knee-high boots? Follow the diagram below!
#7 Quick Ironing

Use a flat iron for quick ironing in a pinch, like when you`re traveling. Be careful though, silks fabric might burn as they do with a real iron.
#8 Modify Your Bra

You can cover a bra underwire that`s become exposed by cutting up a thin maxi pad and adhering it to the area.
#9 Drying Hair

Avoid the frizzes and spilt ends too, by drying your hair with a t-shirt instead of a bath towel.
#10 The Perfect Necklace

Here`s a guide to pick the most flattering necklace for your top`s neckline