Can you see it? - Optical illusion

  01 July 2015    Read: 1722
Can you see it? - Optical illusion
Look at the white dot on the woman`s nose for 15 seconds, then look at the white space on her right

The bizarre optical illusion which paints a brunette woman on a blank canvas simply by staring at someone`s nose - but not everyone can see it.

The almost demonic figure transforms into the beautiful full-colour face of a young brunette woman.

This optical illusion is known as a `negative afterimage` and is caused by cells located in the eyes, called ganglion cells, which send messages to the brain by coding – or identifying - colours in pairs of primary colours.

`The code for all the hues we can experience in the light spectrum, this information is relayed from the back of the eye to the brain via three opponent neuron channels,` Dr Juno Kim from the University of NSW School of Optometry and Vision Science told Daily Mail Australia.

Aside from the greyscale black and white channel, we also have a red and green channel and a third blue and yellow channel so that `we can code for any hue that`s in the environment`.

`When you look at something that, for example, is yellow for a long period of time, you stimulate the cells that are positively sensitive to yellow – so in the yellow and blue channel,` Dr Kim said.

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