Armenian terror kills 3 civilians and wounds 5 in Azerbaijan's Terter - UPDATED

  15 October 2020    Read: 1467
 Armenian terror kills 3 civilians and wounds 5 in Azerbaijan

The number of wounded civilians increased to five in Terter city of Azerbaijan which was shelled by the Armenian Armed Forces, Head of the Department of Foreign Policy Affairs of the Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan Hikmet Hajiyev posted in Twitter.



The Armenian terror killed three civilians and wounded three civilians who visited the graveyard in Azerbaijan's Terter city, Head of the Department of Foreign Policy Affairs of the Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan Hikmet Hajiyev posted in Twitter.

"As a result of Armenia's deliberate attack to the graveyard in Terter city, 3 civilians killed and 3 seriously wounded. Armenia is hiding behind humanitarian truce pursues a policy of terror against civilians. Azerbaijan reserves it's sovereign right to protect its civilians", Hikmet Hajiyev said in his post.

More about: Terter   Azerbaijan   Armenia  

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