Biden’s goal to get support by Armenian lobby - OPINION

  30 October 2020    Read: 1464
 Biden’s goal to get support by Armenian lobby -  OPINION

By Asad Mammadov

It is quite possible that every politician will look at certain problems from different angles. However, in any case this position should be based on justice. To speak fairly, to act fairly, to stand by justice brings prestige to a politician and increases the sympathy for him among his supporters.

On October 28, US presidential candidate Joe Biden’s non-objective statement on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, under the obvious influence of the election campaign has been rightly condemned by the Azerbaijani community and raises certain doubts.

Biden’s goal to get support by the Armenian lobby

It’s no secret that the Armenian lobby in the US has had a strong influence on political circles of this country for many years. We can say that Joe Biden’s last statement was also aimed at gaining the support of the lobby and the Armenian voters. Sometimes it is normal for a politician to make various political maneuvers in the electoral process. However, Mr. Biden must take into account at every step that he is not an ordinary politician, but a candidate for the presidency of one of the most powerful countries in the world.

He shouldn’t forget that the US is also a co-chairing country of OSCE Minsk Group, which is directly responsible for the peaceful settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. None of the co-chairing countries, including the US, should openly support any of the parties to the conflict.

On the other hand, Biden must take into account that politics and life, in general, do not end with these elections. Moreover, along with Armenian voters, there are millions of voters from other nations, and their position is also important. This will cast a shadow on the objectivity of his future activities as a politician.

To the attention of Joe Biden: The Azerbaijani people are solving their most painful problem

For more than 30 years, 20 percent of Azerbaijani territories has been under occupation and more than one million refugees and IDPs have been displaced from their native lands. In this situation, as a politician, Joe Biden should not remain silent about the humanitarian disaster facing the Azerbaijani people.

In his recent statement, the US presidential candidate said that "The people of Nagorno-Karabakh are facing a major humanitarian disaster."

First of all, there is no such a concept of people of “Nagorno-Karabakh”. Nagorno-Karabakh has Azerbaijani and Armenian communities.

During the occupation of the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan and seven adjacent districts by the Armenian armed forces, the Azerbaijani population living here was subjected to ethnic cleansing.

These Azerbaijanis have been living as IDPs for nearly thirty years. However, over these years, Joe Biden has never expressed his attitude towards the humanitarian disaster facing the Azerbaijani people. Mr. Biden must not forget that by making statements contrary to the just position of the Azerbaijani people before the elections, he, for the sake of his own interests, is trampling on the interests of a nation, the people deprived of the right to live peacefully in their historical lands for years. This, as a politician, does not bring him dividends.

Both Mr. Biden and other politicians should understand that Karabakh is the most painful problem for Azerbaijan and it is not a means of any election campaign or political manipulation.

Today, the Azerbaijani Army is implementing the conflict-related resolutions of the Security Council, a permanent member of which is the United Nations and the United States. At the same time, Azerbaijan’s just position on the conflict based on international law is supported by the world community including the US. This position was reflected in each of the documents adopted in connection with the conflict.

On the other hand, Azerbaijan has repeatedly stated that it fully adheres to the humanitarian ceasefire and is fully ready to resume talks. This once again demonstrates the peaceful policy of Azerbaijan. However, it is Armenia that disrupted the negotiations, did not comply with the ceasefire agreements, and fired missiles at Azerbaijani residential settlements and peaceful residents.

On October 28, the same day of Joe Biden's well-known statement, the Armenian army fired missiles at the city of Barda, far from the frontline.

As a result of this war crime, 21 people lost their lives, nearly 70 were wounded. In such a hard day for the people of Azerbaijan, it would be more expedient for the experienced politician Joe Biden to comment on this atrocity. But unfortunately, he did not do so and unequivocally spoke from the Armenian position.

Every country, every politician should know that Azerbaijan will not allow the creation of a second Armenian state in its historical lands. Those who support the creation of a new state by the Armenian people can allocate territory to Armenians living in their country. Azerbaijan's struggle serves to restore historical justice, and establish peace and prosperity in the region.


More about: Nagorno-Karabakh   Joe-Biden  

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