2 Americans Gored in Spain`s Running of the Bulls, 9 Others Injured

  07 July 2015    Read: 703
2 Americans Gored in Spain`s Running of the Bulls, 9 Others Injured
Three people, two Americans and a Brit, were gored on the first day of the Running of the Bulls at the annual festival in Pamplona, Spain.
A 38-year-old American identified by the initials M.W.O. was gored in the armpit, while a 27-year-old Californian identified as D.M.O. was also gored. In addition, a 30-year-old Brit with the initials A.B.O. was gored in the groin. Miraculously, all three survived and none are said to be in serious condition, according to the Associated Press.

Eight others, including three Americans, were treated for injuries, mainly just bruising, sustained during the 2-minute, 23-second run.

Throughout the weeklong festival, there`s a run every morning at 8 a.m. involving six bulls. The bulls chase runners in red scarves along a 1,000-yard course to a holding pen in the city`s bull ring. Every afternoon, professional matadors then slay the bulls.

All together, 15 people have died since the city began keeping records in 1924.

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