Azerishig to supply continuous electricity in Shusha city soon - VIDEO

  16 December 2020    Read: 633
  Azerishig to supply continuous electricity in Shusha city soon -  VIDEO

Azerbaijan’s Azerishig OJSC is carrying out urgent work to supply power to strategic objects of state importance in the liberated territories within the ‘Azerishig in Karabakh’ project in accordance with the relevant decree of President Ilham Aliyev, reports.

According to the source, buildings of state importance in the city of Jabrayil and the settlement of Hadrut, which are also among the liberated territories, have already been provided with electricity through new power lines.

"Now the company’s main goal is to provide the city of Shusha with uninterrupted electricity as soon as possible. To this end, materials have already been sent, and work is underway to build a new line. Despite the mountainous, wooded area and difficult terrain, the company’s employees work selflessly in the frosty and snowy weather," the source said.

"Another threat is the mines planted by the Armenians in the places where work is now going on. To eliminate the threat, sappers first work on the territory. As part of the project, the sites are cleared of mines, and then work is conducted to lay power lines. In the shortest possible time, the city of Shusha will be provided with electricity from the Shukurbeyli substation," the source also noted.

"Azerishig OJSC will fulfill the relevant order of the head of state in the shortest possible time to provide electricity to all of our liberated lands," added the source.

The city had been liberated during the 44-day war (from Sept.27 through early Nov.2020).

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