`Armenia continues its military build-up in Azerbaijani occupied territories`

  27 September 2013    Read: 842
`Armenia continues its military build-up in Azerbaijani occupied territories`
Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Minister Elmar Mammadyarov made statement at the high-level UN Security Council Meeting on Small Arms and Light Weapons.

The statement reads:

`Madam President,


Dear Colleagues,

Allow me to start by expressing my profound gratitude to the Australian Presidency of the Security Council for having convened this meeting on the very important issue of small arms and light weapons (SALW). A high-level participation today attests to the importance accorded by the Member States of the Security Council to this acute problem faced in many parts of the world.

I would also like to thank the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the Vice-President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) for their informative and insightful presentations.

Madam President,

The holding of this meeting is a timely initiative. It provides us with an opportunity to assess the effectiveness of the Council`s decisions on SALW problem in the conflict and post-conflict situations under its purview, consider practical steps to strengthen its responses and give impetus to the implementation of relevant international obligations in this sphere.

The consequences of the illicit transfer, destabilizing accumulation and misuse of SALW are grave and immeasurable. Yet, the worldwide negative effects are more than evident. In a sense, SALW may not trigger conflicts, but their excessive accumulation and wide availability beyond control heighten tensions, exacerbate armed violence, prolong conflicts and feed terrorism and criminal activities.

Domestically and in a wider context the impact of illicit SALW circulation has similar security, political and socio-economic dimensions. Its repercussions often become serious impediments to democratic and economic development of countries and whole regions.

The Secretary-General`s latest report (S/2013/503) aptly defines the scope, gravity and magnitude of the undermining impact of SALW on international peace and security in several regions. Most importantly, it offers a number of pertinent recommendations and observations on some aspects of the problem. We believe that the recommendations related to the Security Council`s engagement on the issue should receive due consideration and be properly reflected in its future decisions.

More generally, we emphasize the utmost importance of continued and full implementation of the 2001 SALW Program of Action, as the main international framework to prevent, combat and eradicate illicit trade in SALW in all its aspects, as well as the 2005 International Tracing Instrument. Building strong national capacities are pivotal for the effective implementation by States of their relevant obligations. Various multilateral mechanisms and processes should aim to foster international cooperation and assistance to States, and complement national and regional efforts.

Madam President,

Azerbaijan fully supports international initiatives and instruments on the prevention and eradication of the illicit manufacture, transfer and circulation of SALW, their excessive accumulation and uncontrolled proliferation. The same position concerns, first and foremost, the 2001 SALW Program of Action. At the regional level, we stress the relevance of the OSCE Document on Small Arms and Light Weapons and its important contribution to addressing the problem in the OSCE area.

Azerbaijan takes all appropriate measures at the national, regional and global levels to implement its commitments and meet the objectives of these instruments. We have established an efficient inter-agency cooperation and information sharing, as well as a robust national export control system, which embodies best practices. Azerbaijan stands for increased transparency and responsible behavior in global trade of SALW and conventional weapons.

However, our efforts taken at the national and international levels are being seriously hampered by the continued occupation of Azerbaijan`s territories by neighboring Armenia. In gross violation of international law and relevant regional documents to which it is a party, Armenia continues its military build-up in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan. Large quantities of SALW and conventional weaponry are being channeled to those territories beyond international control.

Azerbaijan has repeatedly drawn the attention of the international community to the illegal transfers of SALW and other conventional weaponry by Armenia to the occupied territories of my country. We urge all States to refrain from, condemn and prevent such illegal activities, which violate Azerbaijan`s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and more broadly, prevent the establishment of peace and prosperity in our region.

In conclusion, Madam President, I would like to welcome the adoption of resolution 2117 as an outcome of our today`s deliberations. Not only does this document provide an important basis to reinforce the Council`s engagement with SALW, but also effectively guides the efforts of the United Nations Member States and relevant entities in the implementation of the Council`s decisions on this cross-cutting problem. I commend Australia for its hard work in that regard.

Thank you`.

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