Turkey receives about $2 billion from privatization of state property in 2013

  08 October 2013    Read: 743
Turkey receives about $2 billion from privatization of state property in 2013
Over 38 state objects have been privatized in Turkey since early 2013, a message of the Turkish Privatization Agency (OIB) said on Monday.
Total revenues from the privatization of state assets are $1.85 billion.

"Most of the revenues ($1.725 billion) were obtained from the privatization of Toroslar Elektrik Dağıtım (A.S.) - an electricity distribution corporation," the message said.

It is expected to receive $887.45 million revenues from privatization of 13 state property objects, which are being confirmed.

Ski resorts, as well as a series of bridges and roads are among the privatized objects.

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