MEDIA releases statement over latest report of Freedom House  

  09 March 1999    Read: 189
  MEDIA releases statement over latest report of Freedom House  

The Media Development Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan (MEDIA) released a statement over the latest report of the Freedom House.

The statement reads:

"In its latest report, the international non-governmental organization Freedom House has once again demonstrated its biased and unrealistic attitude towards the state of the media in Azerbaijan.

"In response to the bias expressed about the media sphere of Azerbaijan, we declare that the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Media does not require foreign online platforms to register as a local legal entity, as claimed in the report.

"Thus, according to the provisions of the Law, the opening of branches and representative offices of foreign media outlets in the Republic of Azerbaijan is regulated by international agreements to which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party, and for this, the registration of these subjects as a local legal entity is not required under any circumstances.

"It should be emphasized that the Law's provisions do not apply to video-sharing platforms, internet televisions, and other types of activities in this category, and in no case do they intend to regulate their activities.

"Taking into account the international approach, legal assessment of illegal situations in media was provided by the court, and the powers of state bodies in this direction were completely limited. No state body has the right to suspend or terminate the activities of media outlets or interfere in any way. All illegal cases that may arise in this regard shall be resolved in courts based on the principle of equality of the parties.

"The law completely excludes censorship by stating 'state censorship in the field of media, as well as the creation and financing of state bodies (institutions) or positions for this purpose, is prohibited.' In addition, it defines the state's duty to ensure the diversity of opinion and freedom of activity in the media field.

"Also, in order to ensure the freedom of journalists to inform the public, the Law imposes an obligation on state bodies to provide media representatives with detailed information about any fact or event and considers interference in the professional activities of journalists as unacceptable.

"The report of the organization, which continues to distort the facts of Azerbaijan, does not cite official sources when expressing its opinion, does not respond to our repeatedly declared dialogue initiatives, and finally calls the country that has restored its territorial integrity as an 'occupier', is completely baseless and unreliable from a legal and logical point of view, and contradicts the norms and principles of international law.


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