Residents who returned to Azerbaijan’s liberated Talish village are provided with jobs, Special Representative of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the liberated territories of the Karabakh Economic Region (except Shusha district) Emin Huseynov told reporters, reports.
"Today we are in Talish village, which was restored in a short time after the liberation, and we are celebrating the Novruz holiday, which is of particular importance for us, because 20 families who returned here, for the first time in many years, are celebrating this holiday in the native village,” Huseynov said.
This is a double holiday for the former internally displaced persons who returned here, he noted.
“Taking this opportunity, I want to say that our state has built all the necessary infrastructure for residents who returned to our liberated villages,” the official also said.
It’s gratifying that the residents who have returned are quickly adapting, Huseynov emphasized.
“Particular attention is paid to the employment opportunities of the residents. Some of the employed residents are engaged in small business here, and some families are provided with various employment packages," he added.
On March 16, 20 families were returned to Talish village liberated from Armenian occupation in the 2020 second Karabakh war.
The village is the first restored village in the Karabakh economic region. Four road communication networks and a water supply and sewerage line have been laid and are functioning in the village.
Final work is being carried out at the school and kindergarten, and the village is fully gasified. Currently, restoration and construction work is ongoing in Talish.
At the next stage, more 158 families are planned to be returned to the village.
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