Voting begins in Uzbekistan early presidential elections - PHOTOS

  09 July 2023    Read: 1307
 Voting begins in Uzbekistan early presidential elections - PHOTOS

On July 9, at 08:00 Tashkent time, 10,784 polling stations opened in Uzbekistan, where citizens of the country will be able to vote in early presidential elections.

The candidates for the presidency are: from the People's Democratic Party (NDPU) - Ulugbek Ilyasovich Inoyatov; from the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Business People - the Liberal Democratic Party (UzLiDeP) - Shavkat Miromonovich Mirziyoyev; from the Social Democratic Party (SDPU) "Adolat" - Robakhon Anvarovna Makhmudova; from the Ecological Party - Abdushukur Khudoykulovich Khamzaev. 

The voting process is secret and takes place in a closed booth. The ballot boxes are sealed and will be opened only after the completion of voting, which will last until 20.00.

By the decision of the Central Election Commission of Uzbekistan, 56 polling stations were created in 39 foreign countries at the diplomatic and other representations of the republic in foreign countries.

Hundreds of international observers and more than a thousand journalists are following the elections. Thus, according to the country's CEC, 1,400 media representatives from different countries and 797 observers received accreditation.


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