"Armenians' "tactics of 1988" will not work" - MP

  16 August 2023    Read: 791

“Today, the UN Security Council (UNSC) will hold an extraordinary meeting based on Armenia's blackmail and defamatory appeal as a "humanitarian crisis in Karabakh", "blockade" and "genocide". In any case, everyone, including members of the UNSC, knows very well that they made "storm" in a teacup for no reason. The policies implemented by Azerbaijan and the measures taken are fully compatible with the 4 resolutions adopted by the UNSC in 1993 and international law. Azerbaijan’s head of state has repeatedly stated that it is ready to meet the humanitarian, social, economic, legal and security needs of Armenians living on its sovereign territory”, Azay Guliyev, a member of the Azerbaijani Parliament, told AzVision.az. 

Azerbaijani MP noted that today's meeting of the UNSC should be examined and assessed from two points of view:

1. The attempt of using the UNSC as a tool for the propaganda and political manipulation carried out by Armenia under the name of "humanitarian crisis", "blockade" and "genocide" should be evaluated as the final efforts of a country which is experiencing the pain of capitulation and Armenian separatism aiming to prevent the process of the reintegration of Karabakh and the full restoration of Azerbaijan's sovereignty in these territories. These people still hope to achieve something with similar tactics they made in 1988, that is, by misleading the world community, and for this reason, they have extended their smear campaign against our country, using all the lobby groups, and press representatives they have paid for and "international legal experts" like Ocampo. However, the leadership of Armenia and the separatists they support know very well that neither the time, nor the state and people of Azerbaijan, nor the government of Azerbaijan are the same as in 1988. No matter what they discuss or decide in the UN Security Council, they cannot turn Azerbaijan from its rightful path, and very soon our state will restore its sovereignty and jurisdiction in Khankendi and surrounding areas. This process will inevitably happen either peacefully or by coercion. Armenia and Karabakh Armenians should make their choice.

2. Discussing the occasions taking place in the sovereign territories of Azerbaijan will be the next "trial" of the members of the Security Council (especially the permanent members with veto rights such as the United States, Great Britain and China) in terms of their commitment to international law and the resolutions they have adopted. Although the permanent members of the TC have always "failed" the "exam" they took regarding the application of international principles and values to Azerbaijan. On the other hand, if the UNSC makes any decision outside of objectivity and international law, Azerbaijan will reconsider its relations with the countries involved in making this decision. This will seriously affect the relationship with Azerbaijan as the strongest and leading state of the region, the existing cooperation and the geopolitical and geoeconomic interests of those countries.

Azay Guliyev said that the UN Security Council had adopted 2,694 resolutions until August 2 of 2023, and the fate of the vast majority of them was similar to the resolutions No. 822, 853, 874 and 884, which demanded complete, unconditional and immediate withdrawal of Armenian armed forces from the territories of Azerbaijan, as stated in the original text, from the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan but never been implemented.

"Even though Azerbaijan has implemented these resolutions of the UN Security Council on its own, it has not yet achieved implementing an important provision included in the resolutions, the provision of "the complete withdrawal of Armenian armed forces from Azerbaijan". In this regard, I am convinced that our diplomats will once again bring this matter to the attention of the Council of Ministers at today's meeting and will give a clear message to everyone that Azerbaijan is still obliged and determined to implement the incomplete part of the mentioned resolutions on its own. This is very significant in terms of disclosing the legitimate steps our country will take in this direction soon."

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