Participants of Baku-hosted conference on neocolonialism visit Milli Majlis

  21 October 2023    Read: 767
  Participants of Baku-hosted conference on neocolonialism visit Milli Majlis

A group of participants of the international conference entitled "Neocolonialism: Violation of Human Rights and Injustice" have met with Azerbaijani MPs at the Milli Majlis.

Azerbaijani MP Tural Ganjaliyev highlighted the importance of the conference organized by the Baku Initiative Group. He emphasized the contributions of this event to the cause of discouraging the colonialist policies still pursued by certain countries in the world. “Even though neo-colonialism is prohibited by the UN, France continues this particular policy today, making several countries suffer from it. France is attempting today to set itself on a course for neo-colonialism in the South Caucasus as well,” Ganjaliyev said.

Speaking at the event, Executive Director of the Baku Initiative Group Abbas Abbasov touched upon the aspects mentioned by President Ilham Aliyev in his address to the conference participants. Abbasov highlighted the activities of the Baku Initiative Group as well as the struggle against colonialism.

Representative of the Party for the Liberation of Martinique Luc Francis Carole, Deputy Secretary General of the Caledonian Union Party David Wanabo and New Caledonian MP Marie-Line Sakilia shared their views on colonialist policy pursued in regard to their respective countries, France pillaging their natural resources and forcing local citizens leave their countries, the phoney referenda staged by France and other matters. The guests expressed their gratitude for the unwavering support Azerbaijan as Chair of the Non-Aligned Movement extended to their just struggle for fairness and freedom, as well as for hosting the above-said conference.

Azerbaijani MPs Javanshir Feyziyev and Azer Karimli recalled that the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations guarantees the equality of all people and that no-one may be made or kept a slave or in a dependent state according to it. They noted that it is outrageous that France would still be on a colonialist course in our modern time, at a time when the Declaration marks its 75th anniversary. The Azerbaijani MPs expressed their confidence that the ideas voiced at the anti-colonialism conference in Baku would be raised at the UN and other international organizations eventually.

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