GLOBAL TALENT- Business meets High Potentials

  25 November 2013    Read: 707
GLOBAL TALENT- Business meets High Potentials
On November 21st 2013, the first international career event of the Azerbaijan Student Network in cooperation with NRW.Invest, the Ministry of Economy, Energy, Industry, SME and Crafts and the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Research of the federal state of North Rhine Westphalia took place in Dusseldorf Germany.

The event was opened by Mr. Karl- Uwe Bütof, the Deputy Director of the Ministry of Economy, Energy, Industry, SME and Crafts of the federal state North Rhine Westphalia, as well as by Mr. Rainer Hornig, the Authorized Representative at NRW. Invest and by Mr. Ibrahim Ahmadov, the Executive Director of the Azerbaijan Student Network e.V.

Students, graduates and young professionals both from Azerbaijan and Germany had the unique opportunity to take part at this event and actively listen to various impulsive presentations about career planning, application process and professional development, delivered by experienced consultants, regional recruiters, financial experts, as well as career coaches of renowned companies such as KPMG, E.ON, SOCAR, MLP or Evonik.

Topics such as “Career opportunities in global companies coupled with personal and professional development”, “Exhaustion of one´s true potential” and last but not least “Marketing of one´s own performance at job interviews” caught particularly the attention of recent graduates.

The symbiosis of diverse presentations and best- practice examples with the active participation of the students on panel discussions created an intensive dialogue between experts and graduates. By doing so, the students gained useful insights about the company they may apply for a job.

Some students were enjoying their coffee- and lunch break with a cup of coffee and sweets, while the other students were using this unique occasion to make direct contact with companies, that are offering job opportunities in multinational environment and on the other hand the event participants were provided free of charge photo shooting possibilities for their respective applications.

Alongside with German companies, also SOCAR-The Energy Company of Azerbaijan was represented at this first career event of the Azerbaijan Student Network. The Deputy Director of SOCAR representation in Germany introduced the corresponding company to event participants and emphasized the importance of the personal motivation as key to personal and professional success. He then talked about job perspectives of Azerbaijani companies in Germany.

Among the speakers there were also young engineers at Hoesch Bausysteme GmbH and Manu Dextra, as well as the Senior Consultant of the MLP Finanzdienstleistungen AG, who on their part impressively talked about their personal success stories at German companies, particularly about the essential requirements that are needed in order to join a successful global company.

Throughout the panel discussion with the representatives of the Deutsche Bank, E.ON, BTO- Consulting and the ASN, Germany´s connection to Eastern Europe and Azerbaijan´s position as a “bridge between Europe and Asia” were emphasized once again.
The career event finished with Get- Together, allowing the students from across Europe to exchange their views and experiences with Azerbaijani students and expanding their horizon and existing network.

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