Archimandrite Alexy: Azerbaijani State Pays Special Attention to Cultural Diversity among Society

  22 March 2024    Read: 1251
  Archimandrite Alexy:  Azerbaijani State Pays Special Attention to Cultural Diversity among Society

‘Azerbaijan boasts unique centuries-old experience of peaceful coexistence, interaction, and creative collaboration among Muslims, Christians, and Jews. Azerbaijan has traditionally been famous as a home for many peoples. The country does not have the problems that hinder development or interreligious dialogue among ordinary citizens in so many parts of the world’, said Archimandrite Alexy (Nikonorov), secretary of the Baku diocese, rector at the Cathedral of the Holy Myrrh Bearers, to as he commented the allegations by the US Department of State on limited religious freedom in Azerbaijan.

The Archimandrite said tolerance in Azerbaijani society has bred a unique atmosphere in the country, which the international community now finds can serve an example of multiculturalism, representing the most optimal form of coexistence of peoples in multi-ethnic countries.

‘The Azerbaijani government pays special attention to cultural diversity in society and acts as a guarantor of rights and freedoms for every citizen, regardless of religious and national affiliation.

Our unfriends are restless of Azerbaijan’s achievements, the complete restoration of territorial integrity, the unity among society and several other positive factors. These are the enemies, who are interested in weakening our political position and the country’s leading role in South Caucasus. They have been making attempts to portray Azerbaijan’s success in liberating its own territories as a conflict between Pan-Turkic forces and Christians. But anyone familiar with the political realities in the region understands that the statement voiced by the US department of State earlier in January this year sounds utterly unconvincing and biased. Still, I am confident that this will not prevent Azerbaijan from moving forward, cementing its political and economic strength, consolidating public and civic institutions, and setting an example of interreligious and interethnic relations’, he said.

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