Hundreds of foreign companies intend to join projects in Azerbaijan's Karabakh

  23 July 2024    Read: 865
Hundreds of foreign companies intend to join projects in Azerbaijan

By July 15, 2024, a total of 2,107 applications have been submitted for involvement in 2,058 projects in Azerbaijan's liberated territories, with 442 of these applications coming from foreign companies.

Shabnam Allahverdiyeva, Advisor to the Executive Director of the Export and Investment Promotion Agency (AZPROMO), shared this information during a meeting with Azerbaijani and Vietnamese entrepreneurs, reports. 

Allahverdiyeva also highlighted that the trade turnover between Azerbaijan and Vietnam surpassed $63 million in the first half of 2024.

She assured that AZPROMO is prepared to assist Vietnamese companies in setting up operations in Azerbaijan by providing necessary resources and guidance.

"Azerbaijan offers significant tax incentives for up to 10 years in special economic and industrial zones, agro-parks, and free economic zones," she added.

Vietnam is enthusiastic about collaborating with Azerbaijan in areas such as technology exchange, education, and business support, as mentioned by Trinh Thi Thu Ha, a member of the Executive Committee of the National Association of Entrepreneurs of Vietnam.

During the meeting, she emphasized Vietnam's dedication to continuing its cooperation with Azerbaijan.

"The Association plans to organize seminars and business forums in partnership with the Small and Medium Business Development Agency of Azerbaijan. We also aim to establish the Azerbaijan-Vietnam Business Council," she stated.

Additionally, Trinh Thi Thu Ha noted that Vietnamese students are taking advantage of opportunities to study in Azerbaijan, particularly in the oil sector.

More about: Azerbaijan   Karabakh  

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