Azerbaijani delegation headed by deputy PM visits Uzbekistan 

  29 August 2024    Read: 494
  Azerbaijani delegation headed by deputy PM visits Uzbekistan 

A delegation led by Deputy Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Shahin Mustafayev has attended the opening ceremony of the Termez International Trade Center, which took place in Termez city, Uzbekistan, reports.

During the event, Mustafayev met with Uzbekistan's Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov. At the meeting, both parties highlighted the rapidly growing friendly and brotherly relations between Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan, driven by the foresighted policies, mutual visits, and regular contacts between President Ilham Aliyev and President Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

They emphasized that the signing of the Agreement on Allied Relations during President Ilham Aliyev's state visit to Uzbekistan on August 22–23 marked a new chapter in bilateral relations, elevating them to the highest level. The importance of decisions made during the first meeting of the Supreme Interstate Council of Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan, held during the visit, was also underscored. It was noted that both governments must unite efforts to fulfill the tasks set by their respective heads of state.

The compilation and signing of a new five-year roadmap to deepen the comprehensive strategic partnership were regarded as one of the most critical tasks by both countries' leaders. Additionally, the successful outcomes of joint projects between Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan in various sectors, including investment, industry, agriculture, transport, and oil and gas, were acknowledged. The importance of launching new joint projects during President Aliyev's state visit was also highlighted.

The sides expressed satisfaction with the dynamic growth of economic and trade cooperation between the two countries, noting a 28 percent increase in trade turnover from January through July 2024. They also praised the level of cooperation in the transport and transit sectors, with a 37 percent growth in transit transportation volumes between the two countries in the first half of 2024 compared to the same period the previous year.

The newly opened Termez International Trade Center was recognized as an essential step in expanding trade relations and implementing joint projects.

During his visit, Mustafayev also met with Afghanistan's acting Prime Minister, Abdul Ghani Baradar. At the meeting, they acknowledged the historical and cultural ties uniting Azerbaijan and Afghanistan. Azerbaijan's continuous contributions to promoting stability and development in Afghanistan as well as addressing humanitarian issues both bilaterally and within international organizations were noted.

Discussions also focused on the prospects of trade-economic and investment relations between the two countries, with mutual interest expressed in expanding relevant cooperation. The possibilities for collaboration in the transport and transit sectors were also considered, with particular emphasis on the development of the Lapis-Lazuli international transport corridor.

There was optimism that the opening of the Termez International Trade Center would further enhance trade and economic ties with Afghanistan.

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