'Armenia’s Constitution must reflect true commitment to peace with Azerbaijan'

  11 October 2024    Read: 380

Armenia needs to demonstrate genuine commitment to peace with Azerbaijan by aligning its Constitution with the terms of the draft peace agreement and its current official rhetoric, said Elchin Amirbayov, Special Representative of the President of Azerbaijan for Special Assignments, in an interview with TV Berlin, AzVision.az reports.

“We want peace to survive many governments to come," Amirbayov stated. "We don’t want a situational kind of peace that could be easily invalidated by future administrations. For that, the Armenian side needs to show sincerity by bringing its constitution into conformity with both the letter and spirit of the draft peace agreement, as well as with the rhetoric the Armenian government and prime minister are using today."

Amirbayov referred to Armenian PM Nikol Pashinyan’s recent statements acknowledging Armenia's recognition of Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity. However, he pointed out that these words must be reflected in concrete actions, specifically in amending Armenia’s Constitution. "The preamble or part of their constitution contains references to an illegal decision, which we consider a clear territorial claim towards Azerbaijan. This must be changed for the peace process to move forward."

The Azerbaijani official expressed skepticism about Armenia’s claim that it is ready to sign a peace agreement "tomorrow." He characterized such statements as an attempt to mislead the international community. "By putting forward this obviously unrealistic and unacceptable proposal, Armenia is creating the impression that they are constructively engaged in the peace process and that it’s Azerbaijan which doesn’t want to sign the agreement," he said.

Amirbayov emphasized that a true commitment to peace requires more than declarations. "The main reason behind Armenia’s behavior is to win time, to procrastinate. As we say, actions speak louder than words. Armenia must proceed from statements to concrete actions if it is serious about achieving lasting peace with Azerbaijan," he concluded.

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