Break-away Transnistria wants to join Russia

  19 March 2014    Read: 726
Break-away Transnistria wants to join Russia
Transnistria wants to join Russia following a similar move by the Crimea and proposes to amend the legislation so that it can be part of Russia.
Chairman of Supreme Soviet of the break-away state Mikhail Burla has filed a request to Chairman of the State Duma of Russia Sergety Narishkin to consider possibility of Transnistria`s becoming a part of Russia in the Russian legislation.

The request was filed amid a draft law sent to the Duma by “Spravedlivaia Rossia” Party regarding the simplification of annexation procedures. According to this draft law, Russia should be able to annex foreign territories without the government`s consent of the countries they belong to, which lack a “legitimate and efficient authority” and following a referendum, the source said.

According to Burla, this law will not allow Transnistria to join Russia, but only Crimea. Moldovan authorities cannot be unambiguously called ineffective. In addition, Transnistria could have held a referendum on Moldovan law, but the breakaway republic has its own legislation. Finally, there are no Moldovan authorities in Transnistria that could make a request of annexation to Russia.

In 2006 referendum in Transnistria, 97.2% of participants were in favor of joining Russia (early results in the Crimea show 96.77%), Burla recalled. A constitutional law recognizing Russian legislation as part of Transnistrian legislation has already been adopted at the first reading. Russian has been announced a state language. Around 200,000 Russian citizens live in Transnistria. "Worse situation" in Transnistria could get even worse if Moldova signs an association agreement with the European Union and introduces restrictive economic measures, the message says.

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