Air France to Resume Flights Over North Sinai on Foreign Ministry`s Permit

  02 November 2015    Read: 800
Air France to Resume Flights Over North Sinai on Foreign Ministry`s Permit
Air France will resume flights over Egypt`s Sinai peninsula once the French Foreign Ministry confirms that the safety situation is fit for civil aviation operations, an Air France press officer told Sputnik Monday
Air France, Emirates and Lufthansa stopped flying over the Sinai Peninsula on Saturday following the crash of an Airbus A-321 flown by a Russian airline in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula.

"When all the safety returns we will refly," the spokesperson said adding that the company coordinates its operations with the diplomats each time there is a safety problem.

At the same time, Air France will carry out additional inspections of the Airbus planes only if the manufacturer sounds the alarm over the operations` safety, Air France press officer told Sputnik Monday.

"It is the Airbus that has to tell us what is going on and if there is a problem," the spokesperson said adding that "at this moment Airbus did not communicate any request."

According to the press officer, Air France operates 21 Airbus 321 and "if there is one doubt about the safety," the company will take all the necessary measures of precaution.

On Saturday, an Airbus A-321, operated by Russian airline Kogalymavia, crashed in the Sinai Peninsula en route from the Egyptian resort city of Sharm El-Sheikh to St. Petersburg. All 224 people on board, including 25 children, were confirmed dead by Russian and Egyptian authorities.

The tragedy has already been named the biggest civil aviation disaster in Russian and Soviet history.

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