35 years since the death of a man whose music changed the world - VIDEO

  09 December 2015    Read: 866
35 years since the death of a man whose music changed the world - VIDEO
John Lennon fans have gathered at Strawberry Fields in New York"s Central Park to mark 35 years since the death of the iconic musician.
The co-founder of the Beatles was gunned down nearby in front of his New York apartment building by a deranged fan in early December, 1980.

“He was such a part of my life growing up, The Beatles, the ’60s, I can’t even talk” said one woman.

“When it comes to talking about peace, you probably could not meet a nicer person than John Lennon. He was all about peace, and that’s what we need today in our country” said another fan who came to pay his respects.

Imagine, probably Lennon’s most popular solo album, was released in 1971.

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