Country where half people work part-time & one of happiest nations in world

The figures are used in an attempt to accurately describe the well-being of a nation, which Holland scores consistently high in, which recent analysis attributes to the proportion of people employed in part-time work.
It has been revealed that 26.8 per cent of Dutch men and 76.6 per cent of women of working age spend less than 36 hours a week working. The Economist attributes their happiness and their work structure to the fact that dual income has not often been a necessity for a comfortable life, and an adherence of the traditional view of a family with stay at home mothers.
In comparison, just over ten per cent of men work part time in the UK, as do around 40 per cent of women. While the divide in work and between the genders in the Netherlands may be considered backward by some, the country also has passed a law stating that women have the right to cut back hours at their jobs without repercussions from employers.
The Netherlands has also come top of 28 European countries for physical exercise, which may account for some of their happiness. Statistic produced by the British Heart Foundation show that the highest percentage of their population get moderate exercise at least four days a week.
Whether working less hours allows the Dutch more time to exercise is speculation, however, these figures and studies in happiness are areas where the country top the rankings consistently.