Star Wars production company admits fault over Harrison Ford injury

  26 July 2016    Read: 1314
Star Wars production company admits fault over Harrison Ford injury
One of the production companies behind Star Wars: The Force Awakens has pleaded guilty to criminal charges following an on-set accident that saw 71-year-old actor Harrison Ford break his leg.
In June 2014, the Han Solo actor was on the Pinewood set of fictional spacecraft the Millenium Falcon when he was hit by a hydraulic metal door.

Now, the Disney-owned Foodles Production (UK) Ltd. has admitted fault on two criminal charges which were drawn against it while two more were withdrawn.

Milton Keynes magistrate court heard prosecutor Andrew Marshall say: "Foodles Production (UK) Ltd has accepted it failed to protect actors and staff and HSE welcomes the firm`s guilty plea."

Marshall described how Ford had walked through a door on the structure believing it to be inactive. As Ford walked underneath, however, it was remotely operated and consequently pinned the actor to the ground in an accident which posed a "risk of death."

He continued: "It could have killed somebody. The fact that it didn`t was because an emergency stop was activated."

The production company will be sentenced on 22 August at Aylesbury Crown Court.

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