Italian police detain three French citizens armed with knifes on border

  08 August 2016    Read: 857
Italian police detain three French citizens armed with knifes on border
Three French nationals armed with knifes and wooden bats were arrested on the French-Italian border near the city of Ventimiglia, according to local media.
Italian police apprehended three French nationals armed with knifes and wooden bats on the French-Italian border near the city of Ventimiglia on Sunday, local media reported.

According to the RaiNews 24 broadcaster, the detainees allegedly planned to partake in demonstration of the international No Border group which will protest against restraints on free movement of migrants in Europe later in the day in Ventimiglia.

Ventimiglia which currently hosts a Red Cross camp for up to 500 migrants was gripped by unrest earlier in the week.

After several dozens of No Border activists arrived in the camp, some 140 migrants tried to escape illegally to France on Friday, but were detained by French law enforcement troops and sent back to Italy.

On Saturday night, No Border activists clashed with police in Ventimiglia, two people were arrested.

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