The name of the project is "The Emperor Has No B—s." The artists behind the project claimed that they were inspired by the classic Hans Christian Andersen tale, "The Emperor`s New Clothes."

In the story, two weavers sell an emperor a new set of robes that, they tell him, will be invisible to any servants unfit for their positions. The emperor`s staff and townspeople are too afraid to tell the emperor that he is naked, until a child comes forward with the truth.
The artists seemed to suggest that Trump was very much an emperor without his clothes — a man obsessed with his own image and blind to his own faults.

"Like it or not, Trump is a larger-than-life figure in world culture at the moment,” a spokesman told The Washington Post. “Looking back in history, that’s how those figures were memorialized and idolized in their time — with statues."
The statues are large, imposing and unflattering. They lack several elements of human anatomy, including testicles.

The statues were designed by a Las Vegas artist that goes by the name of Ginger, The Washington Post reports. Ginger enjoys making monsters, and was delighted to design states of Trump, who he considers "just another monster."
"It was absolutely in my wheelhouse to be able to create these monstrosities," Ginger told The Washington Post.
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