The office of the Joint Azerbaijani Diaspora opens in Kiev

  27 December 2014    Read: 1115
The office of the Joint Azerbaijani Diaspora opens in Kiev
Central Office of the United Diaspora of Ukrainian Azerbaijanis (COUD) and the first overseas office of the Cooperation Council of Turkish-Speaking States (Turkish Council) opened in the capital of Ukraine. Both organizations are located in the same office.
The Cooperation Council of Turkish-Speaking States is an intergovernmental organization founded by Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkey in Nakhchivan on October 3, 2009. The Council serves as a new regional instrument for the promotion of international cooperation in Central Asia, the Caucasus and the Middle East, South-East Europe.

The opening of the office was attended by Turkish Ambassador Yonet Can Tezel, Kyrgyz Ambassador Ulubek Chinaliyev, chief counselor of the Embassy of Azerbaijan Nazim Aliyev, Adviser to the Mayor of Kiev Bogdan Balasinovich, head of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatars Refat Chubarov, the leaders of the four countries of Diaspora organizations and the contact group of the Turkic Council.

The decision to open regional offices of the Turkic Council was adopted by four presidents of the Turkish-Speaking States to promote the values of the Turkic world and establishing close ties with other countries.

Kiev became the first capital, where it was decided to open a similar representation that emphasizes the role and importance of Ukraine to the Turkic world. The head of the Union of Azerbaijani Diaspora in Ukraine, Hikmet Javadov, was elected chief coordinator of the Turkic Council representative in Ukraine.

“Our current initiatives will help to address the complex social, political and economic issues with the active support of diplomats and heads of Diasporas of four countries. We in every possible way supported the position of the Ukrainian people, and will continue to do,” Javadov said.

Adviser to the Mayor of Kiev Bogdan Balasinovich noted that representatives of the Turkic peoples feel very comfortable in Kiev.

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