ADIF pays nearly AZN 709M in compensation to ten closed banks’ customers

  25 November 2016    Read: 636
ADIF pays nearly AZN 709M in compensation to ten closed banks’ customers
Azerbaijan Deposit Insurance Fund (ADIF) paid AZN 42,863,000 to Parabank’s depositors, AZN 52,334,000 to Zaminbank’s depositors, AZN 27,192,000 to Kredobank’s depositors and AZN 3,021,000 to Dekabank’s depositors.
The Fund totally paid over AZN 125,410,000 to 4 banks’ customers.

The Fund paid AZN 14,218,000 to Atrabank’s depositors, AZN 1,926,000 to Caucasus Development Bank’s depositors. Total compensations for two banks amounted to over AZN 16,144,000.

Agent banks have paid AZN 24,147,000 in compensation to Bank of Azerbaijan’s insured depositors, AZN 975,000 to Ganjabank’s customers, AZN 120,081,000 to Texnikabank’s customers. Total compensation for three banks is valued at over AZN 145,205,000.

ADIF has also paid AZN 421,669,000 in compensation to Bank Standard’s insured depositors.

Totally, ADIF has paid over AZN 708,399,000 in compensation to 10 closed banks’ customers.

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