Study - heavy Facebook use can lead to depression

To determine the risk to psychological health posed by heavy social media participation, David Baker and Dr. Guillermo Perez Algorta from Lancaster University looked into a vast number of studies on the issue, from 14 countries and 35,000 participants, aged between 15-88. Researchers came to the upsetting conclusion that comparing oneself with others on Facebook is more likely to lead to feelings of depression than if those social comparisons happen in the real world. According to a review of existing research, Facebook`s check-in culture factors into our habit of comparing our lives with others, leading to "rumination," or overthinking.
But researchers point out that a lot depends on the frequency, quality and type of online social networking, as well as important factors like gender and personality type.
According to the study, women, along with those who experience neuroses, have increased chances of becoming depressed. On the other hand, those who do not accept former romantic partners as Facebook friends, and who make less negative social comparisons or negative status updates, are less prone to depression.