Pascal Meunier: OSCE MG co-chair countries want resumption of dialogue

  23 January 2015    Read: 1168
Pascal Meunier: OSCE MG co-chair countries want resumption of dialogue
"We want the resumption of dialogue regarding the Nagorno Karabakh conflict and will try to strengthen confidence-building measures between the sides," French Ambassador to Azerbaijan Pascal Meunier told.
“In general, in all conflicts either between individuals or states, a factor is taken into consideration. Thus, reconciliation is possible in case that the sides intend to come to an agreement. Armenia and Azerbaijan are possible to be involved in dialogue including other issues of mutual interest. To achieve peace in the South Caucasus we are trying to strengthen dialogue and mutual understanding.

In order to resume dialogue, the co-chairs are currently striving to meet first with the Azerbaijani FM and then with the Armenian FM. The OSCE MG co-chairs continue to take an active part in the process. To my mind, it is important to conduct dialogue in all areas to achieve the signing of a Great Peace Agreement. Negotiations are underway on exchange of the missing persons. The Red Crescent Society is dealing with this issue. This is expected to be realized.

There were controversial points in 2014 taking into account two elements. All the three OSCE Minsk Group co-chair countries attempted to conduct dialogue regarding the resolution of the conflict. The presidents first met on the initiative of Russian President Vladimir Putin and later US Secretary of State John Kerry. French President Francois Hollande put forward proposals during his visits to Azerbaijan and Armenia in May and initiated the third meeting in October in Paris. The contrast is that increase in violence and more cases of ceasefire violation were observed amid the diplomatic efforts,” Meunier said.

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