Turkish `TRT` channel to broadcast direct transmission on 20 January tragedy

  20 January 2017    Read: 2531
Turkish `TRT` channel to broadcast direct transmission on 20 January tragedy
TRT Baku office will broadcast the commemoration ceremony of 20 January tragedy live through its programs and video clips in TRT HABER and TRT AVAZ TV channels, AzVision.az reports.
The direct transmission program will broadcast the live commemoration ceremony from the Alley of Martyrs with the support of Azerbaijan`s state channel AzTv.

During the live stream the witnesses of 20 January tragedy, Erkan Ozoral, the Turkish ambassador to Azerbaijan, the editor in chief of the `Yeni Azərbaycan` (New Azerbaijan) newspaper and MP Hikmat Babaoghlu, the teaching staff of the School of Turkic World of Business Administration the Department of Economics and Business Administration of Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC) Araz Aslanli and the correspondent of the TRT Baku Office Selim Toprak are going to participate in.

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