Women and children victims of Armenian agression

  10 February 2015    Read: 3739
Women and children victims of Armenian agression
The materials collected by the state commission for prisoners of war, hostages and missed persons prove that Armenians committed a series of purposeful acts of genocide against the nation of Azerbaijan, roughly violating the human rights as reflected in the Geneva Convention of 1949 “On the protection of victims of war”. The massacre of peace population and prisoners of war, using cruel tortures, turning those persons into the objects of disparagement, blackmail and threats, evidently prove the foregoing.

During the occupation of the Hojavand region in 1992, the Armenians took 117 peace civilians as prisoners from the Garabag village, of whom 76 were shot on the way to Hankendi. Among them were 20 children aged 10-12 and half of them were women. 29 out of 40 persons taken hostages on the Goradiz road, 40 persons taken hostages in Goradiz, 29 elderly persons, women and children taken hostages in the Bashlibel village of the Kelbadjar district, were killed and their corpses were subjected to acts of vandalism. In order to hide the dead bodies of people shot dead in a place called Tunnel in the Kelbadjar district, their bodies were piled into a truck and buried altogether. Almost half of the innocent victims were women and children. During the Hojali genocide – a crying example of Armenian vandalism that the international community unfortunately shots its eyes at, 613 peace civilians, including 63 infants and 106 women of different age, were killed by mixed Armenian and Russian forces. It follows from conclusions of the forensic examination, evidences of persons who managed to escape from the captivity and other factors, that Armenian subjected Azeri prisoners to the most savage and sophisticated tortures and performed true barbarities on them.

The bodies of Mammedova Tamara Salim gizi, Dadashova Asli Babir gizi, Humbetova Anahat Eldar gizi, Nuraliyeva Dinara Orij gizi, Beybutova sariyya Yusif gizi and others, which were retuned to Azerbaijan had pricked eyes, cut breast, pulled out teeth, shot genitals. Karimova Firangul Magommed gizi had pricked eyes, cut ears and breast, and also all her body was cut to pieces. Hasanova Fitat Ahad gizi, Hasanova Guchohra Yagub gizi, Abishova Maruza Magommed gizi, Amirova Mahi BVabir gizi, Orujova Khayala telman gizi, Rahimova Shovket Shukure gizi, Behbutova Surayya Ibrahim gizi, Jafarova Rafiga Iman gizi and hundreds of other women were subjected to savage tortures. They were violated, their teeth were pulled out by the pliers, forks, spanners and by others tools, the chests were burst, and the bodies were burnt, bayoneted, crushed by the heavy defense technology.

In total, as a result of the aggressive territorial claims of Armenia against the Republic of Azerbaijan hundreds women and children were taken hostages, killed, subjected to tortures. As a result of aggression, out of 4,844 (as of 01.03.2005) captives, missed people and hostages, 321 were women, 54 were children, and out of 783 prisoners the information about whom is denied by Armenians (State Commission has materials, confirmed their taking hostage and also they have the information about their location) 46 were women, 18 were children. Out of all persons liberated until now, 338 are women and 169 are children. Other investigations provide the information about hundreds of women and children who were savagely killed or made lifelong moral and physical invalids during their time in captivity.

– Humbatov Jalil Humbat oglu, claims while the Armenians occupied the town, all his family, among who were his wife Firuza, his daughter Sumuraz and his sister-in-law Sudaba were shot before his eyes.

– 3 of 6 members of Mammedov family, taken hostage during the occupation of Hojali and whose fate isn’t known until now, Mammedova Saltanat Zulal gizi, Mammedova Latifa Ibad gizi, Mammedova Shovket Ibad gizi were women.

– Salimova Tamila taken prisoner with all her family during the occupation of Hojali, in spite of the Armenians beating, who wanted to take away her little son, embraced the child and they together were led away by the Armenians in an unknown direction.

– The inhabitant of Yusifjanli village of Agdam region Hasanov Aliaga Kerim claims that after he was taken a hostage the Armenians jailers subjected his wife to savage tortures, her 16 teeth were pulled out by the pliers.

– Iblisov Taleh Madat oglu, born 1977, taken hostage together with his family during the Armenians occupation of Lachin region on 18 May 1992 confirms that his sister born in 1967 Iblisova Yegana Madat gizi was savagely killed before his eyes.

– On 31 March 1993 during the occupation of the Kelbajar region several relatives of one family were shot by the Armenians in the place called “Tunel”, when they tried to get away on the UAZ 469, GAZ 52 and KAMAZ cars. One part of the peace population was killed on the spot, about 60 of those who survived were taken hostages. The fate of some of these people is still remaining unknown. Among them are the following women and children.

– Alishova Vasila Jafar gizi – born in 1976
– Alishova Gumru Gambar gizi – born in 1973
– Alishova Jahan Meshedi gizi- born in 1937
– Jalilova Masma Hidayat gizi – born in 1969
– Aliyev Tural Nadir oglu – born in 1982
– Aliyeva Ganira Zulfugar gizi – born in 1975
– Aliyeva Nushaba Mukhammed gizi born in 1950
– Guliyev Mazahir Gara oglu – born in 1983
– Guliyev Yashar Gara oglu – born in 1981
– Guliyeva Aygun Gara gizi – born in 1990
– Zeynalof Hafiz Davud oglu – born in 1984
– Zeynalova Tarana Davud gizi – born in 1965
– Zeynalova Roya Abbasli gizi – born in 1959
– Zeynalova Gadamkar Salman gizi – born in 1936

– Mammedova Mahbuda Hamdi gizi together with her son Ilgar were taken hostages by Armenians. Before his mother’s eyes, Ilgar’s nose was broken, the mouth was cauterized by a lit cigarette. Women and girls were raped by Armenian soldiers before the eyes of children and the heads of Azerbaijanis were cut.

– Jafarova Maryam Zinyatovna, 63, a weak Tatar woman, during the occupation of the Zangilan town by the Armenians forces didn’t run away hoping that the Armenians wouldn’t catch her, but the Armenians beat her and took hostage, 4 months they subjected her to savage tortures.

– Shirinova Shargiya Rza gizi during the occupation of Agdam region was taken hostage from her home, her house was robbed, the money and gold things were taken, in spite of the fact that she was about 80 years old her 8 gold teeth were pulled out without any injections (anesthetic) by the pliers, she was beating to the losing of consciousness, then she was taken prisoner and their she was subjected to savage tortures.

– During the occupation of Kelbejer region Guliyeva Samaya Mammed gizi in spite of the fact that she was under the control of BCRC (Baku Commission of Red Cross) together with her little children were taken hostage and subjected to violence from the Armenians, working more than one year with the cold water she fell sick of tuberculosis, but without any medical care the illness developed, changed into the open form and her children also caught this disease.

– During the occupation of Gubadli region 65 years old Mammedova Binish Rasul gizi and 69 years old Ismayilova Sara Mirish gizi were taken hostage and kept in Hankendi military unit. Here they were used for the heavy physical work during the day, in the evenings they were beat with the particular brutality. Keeping with them women named Shakhsanam and Asli didn’t endure such savage tortures and died in the captivity.

– 15 years old Mammedova Nazaket Israfil gizi was taken hostage together with her father during the occupation of Shusha. For a long time her father before her eyes was disgraced, his ears were cut, the body was branded with the red-hot iron, in one word he was made long-life moral and physical invalid. Only after it the Armenians liberated the father, but the daughter was taken prisoner for a several months and subjected to savage tortures, the parents were exposed to never-ending blackmail, demands and threats, at least Nazaklet Mammedova on April 1993 was sold her family for 4 million rubles.

– During the occupation of Agdam region 6 members of Aliyev family, including two children and two women were taken hostage. Without any reason the Armenians shot to die father-in-law and son of Hagani Aliyev, his wife Konul Aliyeva was wound and became long-life invalid. The most regrettable is that instead to treat the wounded arm of 3 years old Shovgi Aliyev his humerus was extracted, probably for the transplantation and the child became long-life invalid.

– Taken hostage 2 years old Nurlana Kerimova during 4 months got serious injuries of the arm and the head and because of it she failed eyesight. But the most terrible and long-life losses were her mother death, who couldn’t stand the moral and physical humiliations. Samaya Kerimova because of regular humiliations reached such degree that not thinking about the fate of her two little children she two times tried to commit suicide, she cut her veins and at last she found a poison in unknown place and drank it.

– 15 years old Guliyeva Ofeliya Ali gizi was wounded into the left arm and taken hostage during the occupation of Kelbajar. Because of lack of the medical treatment this arm of Ofeliya stopped in its development. In spite of the fact that she was under the control of BCRC and the trauma of her arm Ofeliya wasn’t liberated from the captivity and on the contrary the Armenians jailers wounded her belly and right arm. Become invalid on this arm too Ofeliya only one and a half year later was changed to the Armenian captive.

– Refuge from Yerevan Mammedova Narkhanim Heydarali couldn’t find a peaceful life in Hojali too. The Armenians destroyed her house, ransacked her properties, killed her neighbor Sara Yusifova together with her daughter 5 years old Natavan, three sons of Narkharan and her husband were wounded and taken hostage. The money of Narkharan and gold things were taken while her keeping in Askaran, before the eyes of her children she was subjected to savage tortures.

-Taken hostage from Agdam region Shirinova Shargiya Rza gizi was 60 years old. Being a single woman she couldn’t escape. After taken Shargiya Shirinova hostage from her own home, her house was robbed, the woman was kept during one week in the garage without any water, after it she was taken to Hankendi military unit. In the military unit she and other captivities especially men every day between 2 and 3 o’clock were got up from the places, they were undressed and beat with the rubber bludgeon, fists, legs, armatures, wooden boards, they were hold in the cold water, theirs bodies were cauterized with the cigarette and etc. The Armenians many times bled her, wounded the head, pulled out the teeth with the pliers, and made inhuman acts against the old woman.

– On 31 March 1993 school head master of Kilsesi village in Kelbejer region Aslan Virzoyev took his daughter with her new born child and the inhabitants of the village – in total 25 in number into the school’s GAZ 52 car and when they went out of the village they were shot by the Armenians without any reasons. 15 of the villagers got different degree wounds, a little Guliyev Islam Magommed oglu, 63 years old Aslan Mirzayev, his daughter Afet, 8 years old Manishov Tahir Alasger oglu died from the received wounds. 11 mounts son of Afet Babek was taken hostage and as a result of lack of medical treatment he lost his sight.

– When Dadashova Zamina was taken prisoner she was 15 years old. Without any medical treatment her wound festered and in the body started the process of suppuration. On request of BCRC she was taken to Yerevan hospital where she was made beforehand planed bad operation, and as a result of it her left hand isn’t work. One of her breast was cut completely, another one was cut by half. During taken hostage the Armenians killed at the home her father Goyush kishi and her old grandmother Goncha Ibadova.

– Before the eyes of returning home Zeynalov Niyaz Balay oglu the Armenians burnt alive his mother Zeynalova Nubar Kerim gizi, relative Zeynalova Sariyya Tagi gizi, Madatova Yegana Dadasjh gizi and a son of Ahmedov Muhsum Abdulrahim.

– 12 years old Hasanov Shahin Arif oglu was taken by the Armenians while he tended a herd, the fingers of his left hand was put between the pulley of the seeder and that’s why he became an invalid. 53 years old Aliyeva Dilara Oruj gizi slowly carried out the Armenians order “stand up”, because of the wounded leg was shot.

– Returned from the Armenians captivity Mammedova Guloysha Bahtiyar gizi claims that during their taken prisoner the pupil of the 11th grade Mammedov Zahir Ramia oglu was killed at the same place. Abdulov Yelmar Iskander oglu was killed in the police station of Askeran. The occupants kept there more than hundred of prisoners in the small cell and subjected them to different tortures. Most of these people, mainly women and children didn’t return home. Also in 1988 during the deportation from Yerevan a husband of Ibrahimova Fatma was killed, she herself was taken in unknown direction, the child left uncared-for, and 15 years old son of Abdulov Yelmar Zahid was arrested by the police of Askaran. His further fate is not known.

-51 years old Pashayeva Kubra was taken hostage before the eyes of her daughter, her husband Shura Tapdig oglu, a son Eldaniz were shot, the neighbor Surhay was hammered a nail in her head and died, the hands of Eyvazov Hidayyat oglu were tied and the tank run over him. Kubra Pashayeva witnesses that in Vidadi borough of Galadarasi village in Hojali town 16 years old Taleh and other 5 children of 6-8 years old whose names are not known were gathered in Agdam mosque and one by one their heads were cut.

– According to the descriptions of witnesses, the children remained without water were given urine instead of it, instead of food they were given mixed with the urine cake (a food for the cattle). The Armenians pulled out gold teeth from the killed Azerbaijanians, took off their gold things.

– During the keeping in the basements the young girls and women were separated from others, their heads were beat against the wall while they lost of consciousness, and then they were taken away in unknown direction.

Listed facts are nothing but a minor part of the crimes made by the Armenians.

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