Azerbaijan may list historical items older than 1960 as cultural resources

  19 September 2017    Read: 1197
Azerbaijan may list historical items older than 1960 as cultural resources
Amendments to the law “On culture” were discussed at today’s meeting of the Azerbaijani Parliament’s Committee on Culture.
According to the amendments, rare collections and items like furniture, musical instruments, etc. older than 1960 shall be listed as cultural resources, APA reported.

Under the current law, rare collections and historical objects of museum importance over 30 years old are considered cultural wealth. According to the amendments, relevant executive authorities must publish the list of preserved cultural resources on their website and ensure it is updated on a regular basis and appear in official publications.

According to another amendment proposed, cultural items (including souvenirs) produced massively and serially or created after 1960, cultural products (including souvenirs) are not considered cultural resources according to the result of the expertise prescribed in Article 30.4 of this law.

It is noted that works of fine art, including plaques, photographs, paintings, prints, prints, lithographs, patterns, sculptures, original art collections and the serial numbers specified in the montage, the name of the manufacturer or information about the author, the date of production of the product, or a certificate of the results of the examination is the basis for their export.

The draft amendments will be discussed at parliament’s upcoming plenary session.

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