Round table on theme 'Azerbaijani family model' kicks off in parliament 

  23 May 2018    Read: 1319
Round table on theme

A round table on the theme “Model of the Azerbaijani Family: Modernity and Values” kicked off in the Milli Majlis (parliament) on Wednesday. 

Chairperson of Azerbaijani Parliament’s Committee for Families, Women and Children Agiya Nakhchivanli, Chairman of the Health Committee Ahliman Amiraslanov, as well as Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for the Work with Religious Organizations Gunduz Ismayilov, Deputy Chair of the State Committee for Family,Women, and Children's Affairs Sadagat Gahramanova, MP and experts are attending the event.  

Speaking at the roundtable, Agiya Nakhchivanli said that civil marriages in the country often lead to complications.

“The reason of that is non-compliance of the legislation. People are often satisfied with kyabin (religious registration of marriage). However, it does not have legal force. The number of families established on a healthy relationship is reducing in society. There is an increase in the number of divorces,” she added.

Ahliman Amiraslanov said that the family institute is experiencing serious problems, and the society should be concerned about this.

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