US relations with Mexico improving, big bilateral trade deal coming - Trump

  25 August 2018    Read: 1237
US relations with Mexico improving, big bilateral trade deal coming - Trump

US President Donald Trump said on Saturday that ties with Mexico are improving and even dropped a hint about a possible trade agreement between the neighboring countries, Sputnik reported.


"Our relationship with Mexico is getting closer by the hour," Trump wrote on Twitter.

Canada, Mexico and the United States have been engaged in talks at Trump’s initiative over the modernization of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) for exactly a year.

Earlier in August, Mexican Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo expressed doubts that talks on the trade agreement would be finished in August, as had been previously planned.

NAFTA took effect 24 years ago. Politicians from all the three sides have repeatedly called for the agreement to be modernized, as e-commerce and digital services have largely re-shaped the trade patterns that were in place at the time the deal was signed.


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