Azerbaijan, Trinidad and Tobago mull cooperation ties

  13 November 2018    Read: 1527
Azerbaijan, Trinidad and Tobago mull cooperation ties

Elkhan Polukhov, Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago with the headquarters in the city of Brasilia, met with Ms. Christine Kangaloo, the country’s President of the Senate, AZERTAC reports.

Ambassador Polukhov gave detailed information about Azerbaijan, noting his country’s current potential for cooperation between the two countries. The diplomat, in particular, spoke of the importance of parliamentary diplomacy in the modern time, highlighted the current state of the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict.

Ms. Christine Kangaloo stressed the importance of expansion of cooperation ties between the two countries.

The sides underlined the necessity of intensification of the activities to create and strengthen relations between the legislative bodies of both countries, to increase further efforts to this end.

Ambassador Polukhov signed the Memory Book of Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.

More about: Azerbaijan   Trinidad-and-Tobago  

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