Azerbaijani MP send letter to EU leaders

  13 July 2013    Read: 568
Azerbaijani MP send letter to EU leaders
Azerbaijani parliamentarian has sent a letter to leaders of the European Union.
Azerbaijani MP Jeyhun Osmanli has sent a letter to European Union President Hermen Van Rompuy, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso and European Parliament President Martin Schulza over the threats and pressure the Moldovan Ombudsman Aurelia Grigoriu she faced following her statements about occupation of 20% of Azerbaijan`s lands by Armenia and massacre committed against Azerbaijanis in Khojaly during a conference in the Armenian parliament.

In his letter, Osmanli urges the EU leaders not to stay indifferent to the incident that happened to Moldovan ombudsman and voice their position.

The MP also calls to consider the above-said while discussing cooperation and joint support projects with Armenia.

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